My in-law on the other side Their white boots Mean young man at grocery store check out Driver in white truck tailgating on intersection of route 12 and 101 going north Teenage student flipping me off Man complaining that none of the staff in McDonalds speaks English Facebookers who post and don’t react to anyone else’s People who play devil’s advocate and say it People who say I’m only joking when they make a racist comment People who think Jew = Zionist People who put XYZ after LGBTQ People who don’t care if they make other people ill People whose first thought of the morning is cheerful People who say I’m worried about (so and so) when they mean themselves People who say I don’t worry about getting cancer People who do get cancer and call it a gift People who don’t have digestive problems People who remember where they left their keys People who don’t complain about drafts People who don’t complain about rock music in restaurants People who don’t complain Parents who lie Teachers who lie People who say I hate children People who say their books write themselves Me |